The submission procedure has been completed.
Thank you all for your contribution!


Submissions for oral communications, posters and symposia are welcome.


  • All submissions must be submitted electronically using the online submission form.
  • Abstracts and presentations must be in English.
  • Submissions for each individual presenter are limited to a maximum total of two.
  • All submissions will undergo blind review by reviewers appointed by members of the Organizing Committee.
  • Oral presentations are allocated 15’ for presentation and 5’ for discussion. Symposia are allocated 90’ in total.
  • All submissions must follow the instructions provided in the Abstract Submission Instructions below.



Submitted abstracts must be in MS Word.
Please use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, single spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around.

Oral communications and posters

Oral communication and poster submissions should include the following: 

  • Title of presentation
  • Author(s)
  • Author(s)’ affiliation(s)
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words)
  • Corresponding author contact details
  • Five (5) keywords

If there is more than one author, the name of the author presenting should be underlined and one author should be designated as corresponding author.

Upon submitting an abstract please indicate whether you would like your submission to be considered for an oral or a poster presentation.
Equipment for power-point presentations is provided. Please indicate if you require any further audio-visual equipment.


Symposia comprise of three or four individual presentations and will be submitted in one submission form by the symposium organizer.
Symposia submissions should include the following: 

  • Symposium title
  • Symposium organizer
  • Symposium organizer’s affiliation
  • Discussant 
  • Discussant’s affiliation
  • Symposium abstract (maximum 200 words)
  • Organizer’s contact details

For each individual presentation included:

  • Title of presentation
  • Author(s)
  • Author(s)’ affiliation(s)
  • Abstract (maximum of 200 words)
  • Corresponding author contact details
  • Five (5) keywords

Equipment for power-point presentation is provided. Please indicate if you require any further audio-visual equipment.


Please click here in order to download the TEMPLATE FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION/POSTER

Please click here in order to download the TEMPLATE FOR SYMPOSIUM


For any further questions regarding the QRMH9 please contact.

T. +30 2310 433099

